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This site is mostly for reaching those that are involved in cults and the occult. If you are looking for more on witnessing to the everyday person, you might want to check out the "Christian Apologetics" Link.

A point that I would like to make is the fact that when I refer to the cults, I am referring to a group of people that believe that either the Father, Son and Holy Spirit are not a triune being. All three make up ONE God, but the cultist will say that either one of them are not God or that one of them do not exist, or still yet, all three exist and all three are three entirely different Gods. None of those three cases are true. The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit make up ONE God.


I wish to start with the group of the Jehovah's Witnesses. I wish to start with them, namely because I believe them to be the easiest group to witness to. Now, the Watchtower, the head of the Jehovah's Witness church (The Watchtower is to the JW what the Vatican is to the Catholic Church) refers to the New World Translation of the Bible (Not to be confused with the New Living Translation). In their version of the Bible, they have removed all verses that pertain to the Deity of Christ.

What the JW won't tell you, is that the Watchtower does print copies of the King James Version of the Bible in their headquarters in Brooklyn, NY. So, based on this information I want to give you some dialog that might help you when the Jehovah's Witness comes to your door or if you happen upon them in public.

[If the JW knocks on your door, invite them on in for discussion. If you happen upon them in public, find a way to start up conversation with them.]

Yourself: Hello, So, I understand that your Watchtower prints version of the KJV in Brooklyn; so what I would like to do is refer to this version of the Bible, and this version of the Bible alone. I won't pull out any tracts or anything other tools along those lines, I just want to dig into the Word of God and the Word of God alone.

[Now, after you are done with this, you want to offer to pray with them before digging into the word. This part, they will most likely try to decline because they think that you are going to be praying to a different God than the one that they pray to. But, before they really get the chance to object, bow your head and begin with, "Dear Jehovah God". This is not a bad thing, Jehovah IS a name for God from the Hebrew that is mentioned in the Old Testament. At this point they WILL bow their heads with you and pray...TAKE ADVANTAGE! Recite the most evangelical prayer that you can. It is a great chance to witness without them saying a word.]

Yourself (Continued): Well, now, I would like to go to John 20:24-29. Here, we have the story of doubting Thomas. The disciples go to Thomas to tell him that Jesus is alive, and Thomas basically tells them that he will believe it when he sees it. Just then, Jesus shows up and says, "Reach hither thy finger, and behold my hands; and reach hither thy hand, and thrust it into my side; and be not faithless but believing." Thomas then looks to him and says "My Lord and my God."

[Now here is where the JW is most likely to cut you off with]

JW: Well, Thomas was committing Blasphemy there.

Yourself: [Whether you are cut off or not, you need to make the point that Thomas was not committing blasphemy there.] Now see, Jesus was a Rabbi, Right? And the Rabbi's duties in the presence of blasphemy is to rebuke it, Right? So, let's read on. Jesus continues to say, "Thomas, because thou hast seen me, thou hast believed: blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed." Now, that does not sound like a rebuke in the faintest.

[I would then lead on with every single verse that has anything to do with the deity of Christ such as John 1:1]

Now, I want to move on to a different argument. Matthew 1:23 where it says that Jesus shall be called Emmanuel which means what?..."GOD WITH US". Jesus' name in Hebrew/Aramaic is Yehoshua/Yeshua where we get the name Joshua and where we get the word "Emmanuel" which means God with us.

I have to admit, with many of these groups, not just the JW's, you will find out that the minute they find outyou know any amount of the Word of God at all, they will make a run for it. They will do this because they know that they do not stand a chance against you. It's not anything personal about you, they are just following their spiritual father, the devil, who only knows how to one thing when it comes to the Word of God...RUN! But at least you have done your part and implanted the word


Okay, for now, we are going to move on to Mormonism. Now, this group is a little more tricky.There is just so much more history behind this group that you have to decipher. Now, I don’t think that I am going to dwell into the history for the time being, unless I find out later that it will be necessary. What I am going to do here is paraphrase a couple of pages directly from the book “Kingdom of the cults.” There are a couple of pages here that I think will be very useful in pinning the Mormon into a corner.

This is from Page 186…Corrections, Contradictions and Errors

There is a great wealth of information concerning the material contained in the book of Mormon and the various plagiarisms, anachronisms, false prophesies and other unfortunate practices connected with it. At best then we can give but a condensation of that which has been most thoroughly documented.

Since the publication of the book of Mormon in 1830, the first edition has undergone extensive “Correction” in order to present it in its present form. Some of these corrections should be noted.

1. In the book of Mosiah, chapter 21, verse 28, it is declared that “King Mosiah had a gift from God”; but in the original edition of the book, the name of the king was Benjamin-an oversight which thoughtful Mormon scribes corrected. This is, of course, no typographical error as there is little resemblance between the names Benjamin and Mosiah; so it appears that either God made a mistake when He inspired the record or Joseph made a mistake when he translated it. But the Mormons will admit to neither, so they are stuck, so to speak, with the contradiction.

2. 1 Nephi 19:6-20:1, when compared with the edition of 1830, reveals more than fifty changes in the “inspired book of Mormon,” words having been dropped, spelling corrected, and words and phraseology added and turned about. This is a strange way to treat an inspired revelation from God!

3. In the book of Alma 28:14-29:11, more than thirty changes may be counted from the original edition, and on page 303 of the original edition the statement “yea, decree unto them that decrees which are unalterable,” has been expunged. (See Alma 29:4)

4. On page 25 of the edition of 1830, the book of Mormon declares: “and the angel said unto me, Behold the Lamb of God, yea, even the eternal Father.” Yet, in 1st Nephi 11:21, the later editions of the book read: “And the angel said unto me; Behold the lamb of God, yea even the son of the eternal Father!”

5. The Roman Catholic Church should be delighted with page 25 of the original edition of the book of Mormon, which confirms one of their dogmas, namely, that Mary is the mother of God. “Behold, the virgin which thou seest, is the mother of God.” Noting this unfortunate lapse into romanistic theology, considerate Mormon editors have changed 1 Nephi 11:18 so that it now reads: “ Behold, the virgin whom thou seest, is the mother of the Son of God.”

From the forgoing which are only a handful of examples of the nearly 4, 000 word changes to be found in the book of Mormon, some made as recently as 1981, the reader can see that it is in no sense to be accepted as the Word of God. The Scriptures says: “The Word of the Lord endureth forever.” (1st Peter 1:25); and our Savior declared: “Sanctify them through they truth: thy word is truth” (John 17:17). The record of the scripture rings true. The book of Mormon, on the other hand, is patently false in far too many places to be considered coincidence.

Added to the evidence of various revisions, the book of Mormon also contains plagiarisms from the KJV, anachronisms, false prophecies and errors of fact that cannot be dismissed. Some of these bear repetition, though they are all well known to students of Mormonism.

The testimony of the three witnesses which appear at the front of the book of Mormon (Oliver Cowdery, David Whitmerand martin Harris) declares that…”an angel of God came down from heaven, and he brought and laid before our eyes, that we beheld and saw the plates, and the engraving thereon…”

It is quite noteworthy that Martin Harris, in his conversation with Professor Anthon relative to the material “Translated” from these miraculous plates, denied that he had actually seen them. In Fact, when pressed, he stated that he only saw them “With eyes of faith,” which is vastly different from a revelation by an angelic messenger.

A careful check of early Mormon literature also reveals that Joseph Smith and his brother Hyrum wrote three articles against the characters of the witnesses of the book of Mormon, which in itself, renders their testimony suspect.

Okay, now let’s take a look at the Plagiarisms from the KJV

In taking a close look at the book of Mormon you will find that it has 25,000 words from the KJV. In fact, verbatim quotations, some of considerable length, have caused the Mormons no end of embarrassment for many years.

Moroni 10:8-17 with1st Corinthians 12:1-11

2 Nephi 14 with Isaiah 4

2 Nephi 12 with Isaiah 2 reveals that Joseph Smith made free use of his Bible to supplement the alleged revelation of the Golden Plates.

Mosiah 14 with Isaiah 53

3 Nephi 13:1-18 copies Matthew 6:1-23

The Mormons naively suggest that when Christ allegedly appeared on the American Continent after his resurrection and preached to the Nephites he quite naturally used the same language as used in the Bible. They also maintain that when Nephi came to America he brought copies of the Hebrew scriptures, which account for quotations from the Old Testament. The only difficulty with these excuses is that the miraculous plates upon which they were all inscribed, somehow or another, under translation, came out in King James English without variation approximately a thousand years before this 1611 version was written. Such reasoning on the part of the Mormons strains at the limits of credulity and only they are willing to believe it.

Here are some of the other plagiarisms by paraphrase:

3 Nephi 11:27, 36 with 1st John5: 7 - The only difficulty with the paraphrase here is that the text is considered by scholars to be an interpolation missing from all the major manuscripts of the New testament but present in the KJV from which Smith Paraphrased it not knowing the difference.

3 Nephi 11:33-34 with Mark 16:16, a passage regarded by many New Testament Greek scholars as an addition to that Gospel by an Overzealous scribe. But Joseph Smith was not aware of that either, so he even copied in translation errors, more proof that neither he nor the alleged golden plates were inspired by God.

Two further instances of plagiarisms from the KJV which have backfired on the Mormons are worth noting.

In the third chapter of the book of Acts, Peter’s classic sermon at Pentecost paraphrases Deuteronomy 18:15-19. While in the process of writing 3 Nephi, Joseph Smith puts Peter’s paraphrase in the mouth of Christ when the savior was allegedly preaching to the Nephites. The prophet overlooked the fact that at the time that Christ was allegedly preaching His sermon, the sermon itself had not yet been preached by Peter.

In addition to this, 3 Nephi makes Christ out to be a liar, when in verse 23 of chapter 20 Christ attributes Peter’s words to Moses as a direct quotation when, as we have pointed out, Peter Paraphrased the quotation from Moses and the wording is quite different. But Joseph did not check far enough, hence the glaring error.

Secondly, the Book of Mormon follows the error of the KJV which renders Isaiah 4:5 as “For upon all the glory shall be a defense” (See 2 Nephi 14:5)

Modern Translations of Isaiah point out that it should read “For over all the glory there will be a canopy,” not a defense.


Cultists-a group of people that are surrounding one person’s interpretation of the Bible which differs vastly from the actual teachings of the Bible.

Occultism- (Latin OCCULTUS)- Secret or hidden things.

The Church of Scientology fits both of these. Founded By L. Ron Hubbard and based on book “Dianetics”. On the subject of Hubbard himself. He was a self proclaimed Dr. which he was not; and all of his material is Denoted by the vast majority of Psychiatrists and Psychologists. It was becoming hard for him to continue on with all of this junk, so he cloaked it with a science related religion title.

This group appeals to the person that just wants a quick fix. It appeals to the person that trusts to much in science and all of it’s “Abilities”! Pseudo-scientific and Pseudo-Occultic. There really is no real science involved.

Clear-A person that has no “Reactive” Mind

Reactive-a person with an “Engram” that was brought in to the mind, most likely in an unconscious state, that makes the brain react when a stimuli is brought on by fear or pain.

The only religion where you have to pay just to get into the door.

Dianetics-Through thought or through the mind.

8 Dynamics;

1. Survival of self

2. Through sex

3. Group

4. Mankind as mankind

5. Life-forms

6. Physical universe

7. Spirits or as a spirit (Occultic)

8. A supreme being (Why is this last on the list?)

This talks about a supreme being but not a supreme person. They believe that Scientology is the road to spiritual freedom. Hubbard’s theology is pulled from the Bible. Scientology uses the Bible copiously.

“Truth is relative to environments, Experience and truth.” (Pg. 10) (What book? It’s about 50 Pages long).

“Truth is actually a relative quantity. It could be said to be the most reasonable existing data about any body of facts.” (So far it seems to line up). (Pg. 28)

“Axiom 38 – Truth is the exact consideration, Truth is the exact time, place, form and event.” (27)

Do you see what just happened. Truth just went from being relative to being an exact. There has been a complete reversal. Scientology violates itself and the law of non-contradiction and is therefore hypocritical. Page 11 of the same pamphlet says, “Logic 12- The value of a data or a field of data is modified by the viewpoint of the observer.” Is it modified for the viewer or the people that are viewing this with him? What Modified? What Changed? This may hold true as to witnessing a car accident or trying to remember if someone was wearing a red shirt or a pink shirt, but this does not hold true when we are referring to the one true God.

L. Ron Hubbard

“Never fear to hurt another in a just cause!”

“Be your own advisor, keep your own council, and select your own decisions”

Solomon Proverbs 20:18

“Every purpose is established by council, and with good advice we should make war.”

L. Ron Hubbard

Axiom 26-(19) reality is the agreed apparency of existence. (According to who?)

(Page 33) “The less certain the individual is on any subject, the less sane he could be said to be upon the subject.” So the road to sanity is paved with certainty.

It is obvious that the Scientologist does not believe in the personal God of the Bible. They do believe that man is basically good. The Bible says that man is basically bad. In our hearts we are adulterers, thieves and lustful.

Scientology, in all of its talk, fails to discuss the sin of man and the fact that we, in our most natural state, are at war with our God, a personal one at that.

Scientology is nothing more than a “Psychological Brainwashing”. L. Ron Hubbard wrote a pamphlet on Brainwashing under a penname (or Alias).

Now, maybe this is a tad facetious, but, I feel, if someone is going to put themself out there, I'll make an example out of it. If you haven't seen this video, and want to see what Scientology does to someone, check this out!

SUN MYUNG MOON (The Unification Church)

Keep in mind Luke 21, Matthew 24 these two chapters warn us against false prophets and messiahs. We are not questioning revelations and prophesy, what we ARE questioning is the context of what Moon is saying. (Malachi 3:6) God does not change, if there is someone that comes along that says that they are a prophet of God we must check out what it is that they are saying against the word of God that we know to already be true. 1st Thessalonians makes this very clear. We found out that the Bereans were more noble than the Thessalonians because of the fact that they took the words of the prophets against the old testament.

Facts about Moon:

Born in Korea in 1920, Presbyterian parents and raised in a Pentecostal church. In 1936 Jesus allegedly spoke to him with a message to give to the U.S. about the return of Jesus. Persecuted by the communists and was imprisoned. According to Time Magazine, December 18th, 1975 made an appearance on Capitol Hill and addressed senators and congressman that heard him speak on God’s plan for the U.S. When it was made known that the Unification Church was lobbying in Washington, they were investigated and found that many of its members were here on expired Visas and therefore were sent back home to Korea. In Sep. of 1975 they opened a Seminary in New York. The money for the headquarters in New York, that cost about $5M was raised by selling peanuts, flowers, Ginseng tea, and anything else that they could to the public. They stated that their chief goal was spreading the word of Christ and unifying Christians.

The Methodology of their church is obvious;

1. Make good use of mass media

2. Collect Money, even if it is under false pretenses

3. Use words that are not associated with “Unification” they will use words like “peace, betterment for mankind!”

Up at 6.30 am, singing, prayer, breakfast, more singing, and then raise money for the rest of the day. They are kept in a constant state of movement. They specialize in mass marriages. His money not only came from the streets from a pharmaceutical company in Korea that have made Moon a millionaire many times over, also an air rifle manufacturing firm and from other companies before he even came over to the U.S.

Mr. Moon was not always the suffering messiah that he presented himself to be. According to Time Magazine, June 14th, 1976 page 49 Mr. Moon is described as the Pied piper of the international youth brigade. It goes on to talk about him getting married in 1944 left his pregnant wife behind in Sol to preach in the north, was arrested in 1948, he proclaimed the coming of a second messiah and when the Chinese pushed the UN troops out of Korea he fled to the South to preach in Sol. According to page 50 he was taking place in ritual sex which characterized the Moon commune (taking place not too long before he came to the U.S.). Sex with him was supposed to be blood cleansing. When he arranged marriages, the wives had to have sex with him first. If he was supposed to be delivering the word of God, he would not want this information to come out, and that is why he chose not to sue Time Magazine because of the fact that the truth would come out about what he really stood for. He had to drop this ritual in order to keep his religion going. If you talk to members of the church, they will tell you that their mission is to prepare the world for the second coming of the Lord. What they will not tell, and what they do not want known are a couple of real lovely quotes from Moon himself.

Moon quotes;

1. “God is living in me. I am the incarnation of Himself”

2. “God is now throwing Christianity away. He is establishing a new religion, this new religion is Unification Church…I am greater than Jesus himself.”

3. “I am the thinker. I am your brain.”

Moon thinks that he is laying the foundation for Christianity. Mr. Moon is trying to build something that Christ himself has already built. Mr. Moon thinks that Jesus failed because he died on the Christ. He thinks that Christ was supposed to get married and have kids and set things straight. Divine Principle, pages 209-210, “Jesus can no means be considered God himself.”

-Side Note; when Moon declared that there were over 2 Million members, there were actually only about 490 thousand.


Open with Acts 20:26. First of all, Paul is telling them about attacks on the church from outside the church and then from inside the church. He is also telling them that you now have responsibility now that you know about the wolves that will come to attack you. The ball is now in your court.

(Cross-reference) Ezekiel 33 and 34.

Universalists - those who think that all religions are making it to heaven.

The Kingdom of God is NOT a Democracy. We do not get to take a vote on what God meant on what he said or what he meant when he said a certain thing.

ACTS 4:12

John 8, 10 all that came before me were thieves.

Muhammad, Confucius, religious leaders and gurus share one common tradition…they’re dead. Jesus was the only one that said “you’re gonna kill me, but I’ll be back!”

There has been a charismatic renewal because clergy became so corrupt that God passed over the clergy and went right to the laymen. God will not be thwarted by Doctors of Divinity. If they won’t listen, we will.

John 14:6